PT. Square Gate One

PT Square Gate One was founded in 2006 in response to the needs of industries to integrate financial transactions into business processes. SGO provides solutions for banks to deliver holistic financial transaction solutions to corporations, businesses, SME and retail customers. Our leading Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) solutions in the market became one of the most competitive strategies for improved engagements with lower risks between banks and customers. SGO also serves the market with many important digital solutions such as Digital Banking Platforms, Internet Banking for Retail and Business, SMS Banking, etc.


PT. Pembayaran Lintas Usaha Sukses is licensed by Bank Indonesia to operate its own payment gateway and electronic wallet. Its product is called ESPAY. ESPAY provides easy ways to execute transactions with a majority of banks in Indonesia. ESPAY also provides an end-to-end collection system for companies to collect customer payments using multiple channels from multiple banks and credit cards, and also for non-bank transactions.

PT. Mitra Pembayaran Elektronik works through its primary product, SaldoMu, which provides a last- mile agency to serve communities without banks. More than 21,000 agents currently serve corporate invoices and payment for SMEs, home business owners, personal businesses, and other entities. These agents also distribute electronic products such as top-up cellular airlines, bill payments, ticketing, utilities payment, insurances, and other services.



A leading technopreneur company providing an industry-based integrated channels that streamlines payments from Principle, Distributors and Retailers through End Consumers.


To provide high-quality, mission critical solutions, consultancy, and services that combine performance with cost-effective collaboration between the banking, financial process and industry, by establishing a successful business relationship with our customers, stakeholders, shareholders, and business partners.

Core Values

  • Work with integrity
  • Believe in teamwork
  • Tell the truth as we see it
  • Deliver value added services
  • Be passionate and collaborative
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